The manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process, according to a well-structured editorial process, for which Biología Integrativa y Conservación has an Editorial Team and a large pool of associate editors and reviewers who will ensure that the manuscript is rigorously and qualitatively evaluated.

Authors are responsible for submitting their work to the list of publications awaiting review through the personal space assigned on the journal's platform. To do this, they must fill in the fields of the submission form and attach their work. The Chief Editors will review that the manuscript submitted for consideration meets the focus and scope of the journal and assign an Associate Editor to continue the review and editing process.

The Associate Editor will send the manuscript to three double-blind reviewers. Based on the reviewers' responses, four decisions can be made with the manuscripts: 1) accepted with minor changes, 2) accepted with major changes, 3) rejected, but resubmitted once rewritten according to the reviewers' suggestions, and 4) definitively rejected.

The decisions and comments will be communicated to the author who submitted the manuscript through the platform, by the designated associate editor. Authors will have a period of four weeks to return the corrected manuscripts when the decision has been to accept with major changes. If accepted with minor changes, the time to return the corrected manuscript will be 7 days. Manuscripts accepted with major changes may be subject to a second round of review, a decision that will be made by the Associate Editor.

Once the authors' corrections and editing have been received and accepted, the articles will enter the production process, where the necessary changes will be made to ensure the uniformity of the text according to editorial standards. BIC uses the seventh edition of Scientific Style and Format: The CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers (2006) as the primary guide for the journal's style.

The corrected and edited work goes to a production team that formats it digitally, according to the design of the journal. Finally, the galley proof will be sent to the corresponding author, who must send it to their co-authors and return it to the journal with the proposed corrections within a maximum of 5 days. The only corrections that will be accepted at this stage are orthographic, typographical errors, or writing elements that may generate confusion.

In the case of suspicion or non-compliance with some of the ethical best practices established in the journal's Code, the procedures established in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Flowcharts will be followed for each case.

For the evaluation and review of the manuscripts, reviewers may follow the following criteria: Download review and evaluation criteria (in preparation, request criteria at